According to Ayurveda, stress on the body and mind is the primary reason for all problems – physical, mental, social, family, relationships, economical and spiritual problems in our life.stress management therapy works well for people stressed out due to work and a hectic lifestyle. If you are suffering from anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress and other psychological issues, this Ayurveda stress management therapy may be helpful but not sufficient. Anxiety, depression and other psychological disorders are much more deeply seated in the mind. You may need the help of professionals in psychiatry, psycho-therapy,

Stress is a state of mental and physical pressure resulting from an imbalance between specific demands and the individual’s ability and motivation to meet those demands. In a stressful event our body produces larger quantities of the chemicals cortisol, adrenaline and noradrenaline, which trigger a higher heart rate, and sweating:
- Workplace stress
- Emotional stress
- Trauma
- Fear
- Financial Burden
- Lack of sleep
- Anxiety
Weakened Immune System, Hypertension, Headaches, Depression, Heart Diseases, Gastrointestinal problems, and Accelerated ageing.
Ayurveda’s Role:
Stress is not a problem but how we react to the stressors causes the problem. An imbalance in 3 main mental functions: Dhi (learning), Dhriti (retention) and Smriti (long-term memory) along with a paucity of ‘Ojas’(energy) in the body; makes us unable to deal with stress.
At ALOVIA, the Stress Management Program comprises of various relaxation techniques like Sunidra to relieve the body from stress piled up over the years and raise the Ojas (energy) level of the body by bringing a proper hormonal balance and improving blood circulation. It is focused on strengthening the mental vigour to be able to cope with stress in any situation thereby enhancing sound sleep, and stimulating the nervous system and a healthier body.
Ayurvedic medicines for stress and anxiety include natural herbs. This makes them safe for consumption; thus, they are not addictive or habit-forming. However, one must buy these medicines only from a reputable and certified store such as Kerala Ayurveda.
To find out the exact dosage and the period for which you have to consume a certain Ayurvedic medicine for mind relaxation, it’s advisable to consult an Ayurvedic practitioner. Then, they’ll prescribe the right dosage based on your overall health and mental health
While going through a stressful situation, our body secretes hormones that may spike up blood pressure. However, if your BP keeps spiking in such situations, this may affect your blood vessels. If diagnosed with such a concern, it’s crucial to take strict measures to manage BP and mental stress.
Being under severe stress for prolonged periods can lead to anxiety and trigger panic attacks. If stress affects your mental health for days, it’d be wise to consult a professional Ayurvedic practitioner. Ayurvedic treatment for stress can be of expert help while overcoming stress and anxiety
Ayurveda takes a holistic approach to managing stress and anxiety. Kerala Ayurveda’s stress management remedies involve herbal supplements and suitable oils, professional massages, a sattvic diet, daily practice of yoga and meditation, and certain breathing exercises to calm the mind.